(The following is a letter I wrote requesting support for Chattahoochee Riverkeeper’s annual fundraising auction. As a result of donations secured by this letter and additional efforts, the event raised more than $400,000.)
Dear friend of the Chattahoochee River,
It’s been more than 25 years since Chattahoochee Riverkeeper first began keeping watch over our most precious natural resource, and thanks to our efforts, the river is dramatically cleaner than it once was.
As you might recall, each year we bring together those who help us sustain our crucial work with an annual patron dinner and silent auction. In honor of our 25th anniversary, we are thrilled to announce that this year’s 25th Annual Patron Dinner will be held on Thursday, October 24, 2019 at the Georgia Aquarium.
Your past donations have been instrumental in making this event a successful fundraiser, and we would like to take this opportunity to respectfully ask that you donate once more in support of Chattahoochee Riverkeeper. Our silent auction features an array of sought-after items. We’ve auctioned off health and beauty packages, weekend getaways, culinary experiences, outdoor adventures, and more.
Not only will a donation put your brand in front of hundreds, but your gift will communicate that your business is one that cares about our environment and the community that depends on it. We also offer additional visibility by recognizing supporters through event displays, listings on our website, and acknowledgements in the event’s printed program.
Bids on your item will support program work like our floating classrooms, which help young people engage in STEM-based activities all while learning where their water comes from. Your gift will also support our legislative and advocacy work, regular water quality monitoring in creeks throughout the watershed and the river, and so much more.
If you are willing to contribute to our silent auction, we ask that you please complete the enclosed form and return it before our print deadline of August 15, 2019, so that we may include you in our evening’s program.
I would be happy to answer any questions that you may have about this event. I, along with the entire Chattahoochee Riverkeeper community, thank you for your consideration.
Julia Regeski
Communications Manager
Chattahoochee Riverkeeper